


Monday, July 16, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

ReaL Movie Reviews
Rotten Tomatoes- 74%  
My Score- 8/10
*Rated PG-13*

The Amazing Spider-Man entered theaters July 3 and has been a huge success at the American Box Office. So was it as good as it seems? With a new Peter Parker, played by Andrew Garfield, the story takes a new path and twist! When Peter's parents leave him at a young age to stay with his Aunt and Uncle, he takes it upon him self to find out what happened to his parents. He winds up finding Dr. Curtis Connors (Ryhs Ifans), who will soon become an enemy. Also in the mix of this, is of course, the romance involving Peter Parker(Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). The movie is filled with  laughs and yet still manages to have the iconic story and action. For example, the photography portrayed in the original Spider Man films are mixed into the story quite nicely as well as the relationship with Peter and his Uncle Ben(Martin Sheen). As for the Spider Bite, be prepared for a very interesting time. The graphics are very well put together, both in 3D (recommend) and non 3D with the director (Marc Webb) choosing some very interesting camera shots! The twist on Spider Man was for the better and is an overall good film. Definitely a must see movie!  

(P.S. make sure and stay for the extra clip after the credits)

-ReaL Movie Reviews

Hannah Lynn Meadows-

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